Frequently Asked Question

Who can I turn to for problems with the study environment?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Akademiska Hus has an app called Mitt Campus. The app is free for both Iphone and Android-mobile phones.

This app contains valuable information regarding the study environment
at the university. You can easily find contact information, create an issue and follow its progress.
You can also get news and other practical information about the campus and the buildings located around you.

Keep track of what’s happening on campus

By choosing a campus and one or more buildings, your personal feed is created with updated information,
maps, contact information, service, news and disturbances that may affect you in your everyday life.

Create and follow issues

You can easily create, follow and leave feedback on your issue directly in the app.
You get an overview of the issues you have made and can easily see the status of your issue.

Find the right person in the right place

You can easily search, find and save contact information for each campus and building.
This way you know who you can contact if you have questions or if something happens.

Here’s how to get started in the app

Log in or use the app without creating an account. If you register your email address,
your personal profile is created where you have the opportunity to: 

  • Create issues and see the history
  • Set up campus and mark the favorite buildings you want information about
  • Use Mina Sidor on
  • Choose your campus and the buildings you want information about.
  • Done! Your feed is now filled with the information you want.

If you instead need to report an incident of an undesirable event to the physical study environment, threats and violence,
fire, health problems connected to the indoor environment that may have resulted in
personal injury or illness, then
LTU’s Incident Report is recommended.

A third way to inform and report problems about the study environment is to contact the Head of Social Welfare and Equality
(Huvudstuderandeskyddsombud) for the Luleå Student Union (Luleå Studentkår) and the Technology Union (Teknologkåren).
They will take your issue further and ensure that it can be resolved.

leå Studentkår:

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